Author: Halfvares Mats, Teknikhuset AB.

Published: 2005-08-12

Applies to:
  • Content Studio ver. 5

Type: How to

More information

Starting with Content Studio version 4.0 build 1010 (released in Aug. 2005) it possible to configure your Content Studio web server to answer to more that one web address. The key to this feature is the new setting introduced named site.MultiHomedAdminUrl and the corresponding site.MultiHomedSiteUrl. The value of these settings should be a semi-colon separated list of the full addresses for the site in the corresponding order.
Ex. site.MultiHomedAdminUrl could be:;
in this scenario the site.MultiHomedSiteUrl must be:; Also make sure that each address ends with a slash (/). Each one of these addresses must point to its own site in IIS, a virtual directory will not work because each one of the sites needs its own Application object. These 2 IIS sites must point to the same file directory and must contain an administrative virtual directory as well. To create a new Site in IIS start IIS manager on the web server and create a new web site in the websites root. A wizard starts that let you assign IP address, friendly name and file path to your web site. Make sure you select the same file path as the original site. After this you should create an administrative site as a new virtual directory under the newly created site. This sub site points to the administrative site files used by Content Studio. You also must turn off Anonymous Access on this sub site to force all editors to log on to the system.
If you for some reason do not want to have an administrative site for one of the addresses do not create it and in the site.MultiHomedAdminUrl setting substitute the missing address with a single semi-colon.
The url:s of the site and the admin url are also returned i the source of each web page as a standard but sometimes the site administrators do not want to reveal these addresses to the public. The setting site.DisplaySiteUrlData (available in build 1010 and later) controls when Content Studio web pages displays url information in client side scripts code. Values can be
0 = always regardless the url (default)
1 = always for matching urls
2 = display for authenticated users only and url matching
3 = Only in the administrative interface.
If you change any of these settings you must restart the web site before the changes apply.